Brian O'Keeffe Videography


 Cooking a tasty indian dish

            This was a personal project for fun my first attempt at a cooking video demonstration. Jaya Jain was the the star of the show and she prepared what was a delicious Indian dish called 'Aloo Gobi'. The fast paced introduction sequence was shot in an Indian ...

Promotional Video for Anchorpoint Motorhomes

                The brief was to create an introductory video for the landing page of their website. The gliding areal shots enabled me to showcase the motorhomes in a smooth and controlled manner to reflect the brand values of the company. The background music was chosen portray the ...

Recruitment Video for the Samaritans

      This is a short video that the Filmmaking Volunteers Limerick produced for the Samaritans. The purpose of the video was to give people an insight into what its like to volunteer with the Samaritans. My role in the team was Director of Photography, so positioning & operating the ...

Garden Celebration

 A Garden Celebration Organisation: Ananda Gaorii (non-profit) Purpose: Sharing gratitude for their beautiful organic garden which continues to flourish with fresh fruit and vegetables Facebook Post

A Video for the Harvest Fair 2016 Background information: Milford Care Centre is a non-profit organisation and a registered charity. The Care centre provides specialist palliative care and older persons services in the mid-west.The Milford Harvest Fair is the single largest fundraising event for the Milford Care centre each year. The event itself encompasses all that is ...

Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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